Saturday, August 31, 2019

Partnership Distributions Essay

The capital used to carry out the operations of the partnership usually comes from the individual partner’s contributions. There contributions represent capital (their interest in the partnership). Under the general tax provisions, contributions by partners to a business can be at a gain or loss, which is not recognized. The same treatment is accorded to distributions received by the partners from the partnership. The distributions received by partners from the partnership can result into their interest reducing (liquidating distribution) or remain the same as it was before the distribution (current distribution). The liquidating distributions can reduce completely a partner’s interest after one or several such distributions. It is important to note that the distributions that substantially decrease a partner’s interest are not treated as liquidating distributions but rather current. Partners should show distributions of partnership profits even if they do not actually receive any distributions. (Internal Revenue Service (2008). Unrealized receivable and inventory (section 751 assets) modifies the general provision above. Distributions can also be proportionate of disproportionate. In a proportionate distribution that is current partners will not recognize losses and gains. A gain is only recognized if distributions are more than the partners outside basis in the partnership interest (Sec 731(a), 732(b)). The partnership will also not recognized gains or losses (731 (b)). In a distribution the partner’s basis is taken to be the same as the partnership basis on the asset 731(a) (1) The basis of the distributed asset is the adjusted basis of the assets to the partnership just before the distribution and hence any distribution carries over from the partnership. This rule, however, has an exception in that if the partner outside basis is lower than the partnership’s then the partner’s basis in assets is capped at his outside basis less any money received. Therefore, total basis of the distributed assets are pegged to the basis before the distribution added to any gain recognized. (Internal Revenue Service (2008). The partner’s outside basis is allocated to the distributed assets as follows. Cash and deemed cash distributions, unrealized receivables and inventory and non –IRC section 751 property in that order. The distributions in each type of asset could be done severally. In such a scenario, the basis allocated to the various types of assets is done proportionately to their relative basis to the partnership and fair market value (Godfrey, H. (2008). A partner may immediately dispose off the distributed property or hold it for some period. There are several rules governing holding periods of distributions received by partners. In case a distribution is that of unrealized receivables, then, the gain loss on sale of such assets will be treated as ordinary irrespective of the holding period, which is inclusive of the partnership-holding period. Inventory distributions sold within 5 years leads to the recognition of the gain or loss as ordinary. The treatment of loss/gain however changes if the inventory was sold after 5 years. The treatment will largely depend on the nature of the asset that the partner possess i. e. inventory, capital or trade asset. The holding period provisions guide any appreciation after the distribution. In this case, is obvious that the partnership has 751 assets (inventory) and therefore the tax provisions discussed above will apply. The partners also received proportionate distributions i. e. Hiram received $40,000 in cash. The distributions made by the partnership are current distributions done in a proportionate manner and therefore the provisions on proportionate current distributions apply. The partners will not account for any loss (Sec 731(a) and 732(b). The partnership also will not account for any gain or loss (731(b). Partners will only recognize losses if distributions are more than the outside basis (731(a)). The distributions received by the partners are within the outside basis in their partnership interest. Their interest in the partnership is $60,000 for each of the partners while the distributions received is equal to $40,000. The partners should also consider the provision on the duration hey held the asset after distribution. Any sale of sec 751 assets e. g. inventory within a period of 5 years from the distribution date is treated as ordinary income or loss in the hands of the partner.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Opposition to the Tsar increase in the years 1881-1914

Why did opposition to the Tsar increase in the years 1881-1914 During the period of 1881- 1914 opposition towards the Tsar in Russia increased. The main reasons as to why opposition towards the Tsar arose in Russia can be seen to be as a result of the discontentment growing between the Russian people. A strong sense of discontent spread throughout Russia, this because Russia had suffered from extreme domestic and economic troubles in this period.The most significant troubles which Russian citizens experienced -eventually leading to the opposition of the Tsar ,was their ant for political change, strict censorship, oppression of the Okrana, their want for political change , their poor standard of living , lack of trust of Tsarist government following the Russo-Japanese war and finally the 1905 revolution . The first cause as to why opposition to the Tsar increased in the years 1881-1914 is the Russian peoples want for political change. Their want for political change is due to the stri ct, oppressive and censored regime of state they lived in.Following the assassination of his father Alexander II, Alexander Ill undid the reforms previously made by his father nd introduced his own reforms during his reign of 1881-1894. One major reform introduced by Alexander was the Russification of Russia. This restricted the language in Russia to Russian only; it also openly started attacks on Jews. Despite the Jews being a minority group within Russia, the Jewish population was vast and a majority of Russians were Jewish, therefore the Russification of the Jews meant that the Tsar lost the support of a lot of the Russian population which led to further opposition.Alexander also launched a campaign of repression to all those supporting political eform, he also restricted press freedom as well as ensuring foreign books & newspapers were rigorously censored. This led to unrest in Russia as many felt their freedom was taken away and were against the form of control they now were un der. This was worsened as the Okhrana (the secret police) was established. The Okhrana worked undercover, infiltrating organisations and groups which might present a danger to the Tsar; the Okhrana was highly unpopular within Russia with the people as its tactics of control were severe and violent.This therefore increased opposition o the Tsar as a wide amount of Russians were angry at their lack of civil rights, which had been infringed under the Tsars reforms. The second cause as to why opposition to the Tsar increased in the years 1881-1914 was the poor standard of living the majority of the working class experienced . This is because despite the Russian industry and unemployment levels improving during the 1890s as a result of the ‘great spurt', the working condition for the working class in factories and in industrial towns was very poor.Russia's industrial towns could not cope with its ever rowing population and consequently the working class had to cope with poor workin g conditions and lower pay. This meant their standard of living declined and they could now only afford the minimum necessities the required to stay alive, despite working long hours in a poor working environment. As a response to this workers attempted to encourage a reform to better their working conditions.However they received no response torm the Tsarist ernment, this theretore led to the opposition of the Tsar as many felt neglected by the Tsar and Government. The third cause as to why opposition to the Tsar increased in the years 1881-1914 was the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. The defeat was a major blow to Russia who had been over confident about being victorious. The defeat led to a mutual feeling of humiliation across Russia, the Russian people would have been embarrassed that they a large country lost to what were a much smaller inferior country.The Russians blamed the government for the loss of the war and therefore resentment towards the gover nment built up, not Just from the citizens but lso from the army and naw who were angry that they were under prepared for the war. The defeat also changed the Russian's attitudes towards the Tsar Nicholas. The image of the Tsar being all powerful and the protector of his empire was severely affected, and people's ideas about the Tsar changed, they thought he was powerful enough to bring them victory against Japan , especially as they believed the Tsar was chosen by God.However incidents such as the defeat in Tsushima showed that the Tsar was in fact weak as he did not lead Russia to victory. The defeat and failure of he Tsar led to people turning against him as their belief in him was lost, this therefore led to an increase in opposition towards the Tsar. The fourth cause as to why opposition to the Tsar increased in the years 1881-1914 was the uproar of the revolution in 1905. The Russian people were already marginally against the Tsar and government, but by 1905 the opposition inc reased dramatically leading to a revolution.The revolution began after five men were sacked from a factory in St Petersburg, the workers from the same factory felt the dismissal was unjust and herefore went on strike in protest in an attempt to get the workers reinstated. The word spread of the protest and by Friday 7th January 105,000 workers went on strike in disgust. Not only did many feel disgusted at the workers dismissal, the events further reminded them of the troubles they were facing under their state control, one of the most recent troubles being that their 1905 petition for political change was refused.Furthermore this led to large demonstrations being organised. However the Tsar and Government banned the demonstrations and placed thousands of troops round St Petersburg on bridges to stop the marches, in an attempt to keep public unrest under control to avoid further opposition spreading. Despite the protests being banned the marchers continued with their demonstrations a nd headed to the Winter Palace. However once they reached the Palace the demonstrators were shot down. The shootings at the demonstrators led to 800 participants being wounded and 200 killed. This led to greater opposition of the Tsar.This is because the shooting of the demonstrators ,which became known as ‘bloody Sunday, proved to the Russian itizens that the Tsar was unwilling to listen to their pleas and was prepared to go to the extremes of violence , killing their friends or family ,all in attempt to stop them from protesting for what they believed in. This therefore made them feel angry.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Is it best to work in a team

Team working is a false belief. What matters most is single public presentation. Discuss. Teams have been defined as â€Å"formal work groups, † [ 1 ] where a group consists of â€Å"two or more persons interacting.† [ 2 ] Structuring work through the usage of squads has been seen as advantageous to the administration because it is seen as efficient. Individuals’ failings are considered less debatable in a squad because other members will hold strengths covering these countries. From the thought of the squad, the construct of the independent workgroup has developed, dwelling of â€Å"team of people who are given a high degree of duty for their ain work.† [ 3 ] Such groups are seen to hold the possible to work fruitfully with comparatively small supervising, making efficiencies. Technological developments such as picture conferencing are enabling usage of squads across geographical divides, offering administrations new ways of organizing work. [ 4 ] Beyond functional abilities for undertaking completion, runing in squads may hold psychological benefits for the person. Marcouse et al suggest that teamwork helps employees experience involved with their administration, perchance bring forthing competitory advantage. [ 5 ] This can be related to Maslow’s hierarchy of demands, [ 6 ] where, one time basic and security demands can be satisfied, the single focal points on societal, position and self-actualisation demands. The intersubjective nature of the squad addresses societal demands, and may besides carry through position demands. Huczynski and Buchanan note that position within the squad may be given to persons who do non bask high position in the formal construction of the administration: within the squad, their societal place may be enhanced. [ 7 ] Self-actualisation may besides be achieved, [ 8 ] through the sense of satisfaction when a end is achieved by the squad. While the construct of the squad appears good theoretically, success can be limited if squads are non adequately managed. Team leaders must be sensitive non merely to the persons within the squad, but besides to the group dynamic. [ 9 ] The sensed personality of the leader can impact on the behavior of squad members: White and Lean found that the unity of a leader influenced the ethical behavior of squad members. [ 10 ] Individual personalities have been considered widely in the literature. Agreeableness has been found peculiarly of import in the conceptual phases of a undertaking, [ 11 ] perchance because it helps develop productive relationships for ulterior phases. Hersey et al identify helpful functions and impeding functions. [ 12 ] While the ideal squad would hold a choice of helpful persons with complementary accomplishments, this may non be realistic, and the leader is presented with the challenge of understating the consequence of hindering. If unsuccessful, it is possible that working separately would be more productive than making squads. Personalities within a group may non ever have the awaited consequence. Peeters et Al found, out of the blue, that different degrees of conscientiousness within a squad were advantageous: the research workers suggest that the more painstaking members keep the less painstaking members on path, and that the issues originating from the variableness concern behaviors at peculiar points in a undertaking procedure instead than overall squad public presentation. [ 13 ] While this is a positive result, it however underlines the capriciousness of the group dynamic. In many state of affairss, a squad may hold different leaders for different undertakings, and Miles and Kivlighan found that the consistence between different leaders’ perceptual experiences of the team’s construction can act upon the manner members perform and interact. [ 14 ] If perceptual experiences are consistent, so there is a positive influence. However, if the group is non perceived systematically, the deduction is that they may non work so efficaciously. The above illustrations would propose that, with careful direction, squads can still be effectual in the workplace. However, they are frequently non advantageous. Marcouse et al note that decision-making may be much slower with group engagement, and squads may bring forth struggle that hinders progress. [ 15 ] Research indicates that in some fortunes, squads can be extremely debatable. Janis made extended surveies of hapless determinations made by senior authorities groups. Where groups are peculiarly cohesive, he notes that a force per unit area to conform to group norms may deter persons from showing concern with determinations: he attributes a figure of historical catastrophes to this. [ 16 ] However, Chapman suggests that anxiousness is a cardinal factor in Janis’s groupthink, and that the determinations frequently concern major political issues. [ 17 ] She argues that the state of affairs in many administrations concerns daily determination doing with fewer force per unit areas and perchance less impetus to do a determination, although admiting that anxiousness may have in some organizational state of affairss. However, the deduction is that the group dynamic may overrule single capablenesss in certain fortunes. Promoting squads to vie can be peculiarly counterproductive. Billig and Tajfel found that, even where there was minimum footing for people to experience they belonged to one peculiar group ( in-group ) , they would be prejudiced against another group ( out-group ) , to the extent that they would set up the distribution of money to disfavor the out-group even if it gave no advantage to the in-group. [ 18 ] This is peculiarly of import to observe when structuring a gross revenues map into squads: it has been argued that â€Å"There is no such thing as friendly competition† [ 19 ] and Billig and Tajfel’s consequences support this. The tendency for squads may neglect to recognize that some persons much prefer to work on their ain. [ 20 ] Where a sense of control is peculiarly of import to the person, going portion of a squad may be perceived as losing that control. In such fortunes, Robbins and Finlay suggest implementing the thought of the â€Å"team of one.† [ 21 ] Although the definitions indicate that squads and groups are needfully more than one individual, the â€Å"team of one† construct recognises that a capable person may be able to finish undertakings every bit efficaciously as a multi-person squad and may prefer to work in that manner. It could besides be argued that the single public presentation within the squad should be the focal point for easing successful squads, but this has to be considered in concurrence with the group dynamic: the squad can non be seen merely as a aggregation of persons, as Billig and Tajfel’s work [ 22 ] and Janis’s surveies [ 23 ] make clear. While the research indicates that a well-managed squad with complementary accomplishments may be really productive, there is besides considerable grounds that teamwork can be unproductive, produce hapless determinations and, while carry throughing the societal demands of some people, may be a less favoured manner of working for others. It is noteworthy that literature on teamwork appears mostly concerned with maximizing the success of squad working instead than sing options such as a more individual-based construction as perchance more effectual. To disregard teamwork as a false belief on the footing of the grounds above would be utmost: however, the premise that a squad attack will ever be more efficient and productive than other options should be questioned. Mentions Billig M and Tajfel H ( 1973 ) ‘Social classification and similarity in intergroup behaviour’European Journal of Social PsychologyVol 3 ( 1 ) pp27-52 Chapman J ( 2006 ) ‘Anxiety and effectual determination devising: an amplification of the groupthink model’ inManagement DecisionVol 44 ( 10 ) pp1391-1404 Hersey P, Blanchard K and Johnson D ( 1996 )Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources7ThursdayEdition ( New Jersey: Prentice Hall International ) Huczynski A and Buchanan D ( 1991 )Organizational Behaviour2neodymiumEdition ( Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall International ) Janis I ( 1971 ) ‘Groupthink Among Policy Makers’ infusion from Eds. Sanford N and Comstock C ( 1971 )Sanctions for Evil( San Francisco: Jossey-Bass ) available at accessed on 5/11/08 Marcouse I, Gillespie A, Martin B, Surridge M and Wall N ( 2003 )Business Surveies2neodymiumEdition ( Oxfordshire: Hodder Arnold ) Maslow A ( 1943 ) ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ inPsychological ReappraisalVol 50 pp370-96 Miles J and Kivlighan D ( 2008 ) ‘Team Cognition in Group Interventions: The Relation Between Co leaders Shared Mental Models and Group Climate’Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and PracticeVol 12 ( 3 ) pp191-209 Peeters M, Rutte C, Van Tuijl H and Reymen I ( 2008 ) ‘Designing in Teams: Does Personality Matter? ’ inSmall Group ResearchVol 39 pp438-467 Robbins H and Finley M ( 2000 )Why Teams Don’t Work( London, New York: Texere ) Rockart J and Short J ( 1996 ) ‘The networked organisation and the direction of interdependence’ in Eds. Paton R, Clark G, Jones G, Lewis J and Quintas P ( 1996 )The New Management Reader( London and New York: Routledge and the Open University ) pp255-276 White D and Lean E ( 2008 ) ‘The Impact of Perceived Leader Integrity on Subordinates in a Work Team Environment’ inJournal of Business Ethical motivesVol 81 pp765-778

The Microsoft Case Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Microsoft Case - Article Example Microsoft is trying to become a cut above the other. Its ability to create various ranges of product offerings strengthens its potential to cover the world market. For many years, Microsoft is said to be well known for its anti-competitive and predatory practices. This is the reason why it has remarkably investigated for antitrust behavior. Microsoft defended that it has definitely done what the other competitors would do in its place. Each key player is trying to be a cut above the other and wanting to take control of the market. The bottom line is money. This is how Microsoft and its competitors are motivated to stay in the competition and even want to be on top of the rest. Gaining monopoly.I personally agree that Microsoft is trying to gain monopoly in the computer software industry because of the remarkable market area it has to cover. It is in this reason that imperfect competition is most likely to exist. The other proof is the ongoing investigation it has to face due to its a lleged antitrust behavior. One specific case is the Microsoft’s ability to offer products or services at remarkably lower price compared to its competitors. As a result, more consumers would try its service or product offerings. This can be illustrated by the demand curve. Downward sloping demand curve simply states the nature of human behavior and which simply showcases the principle that as the price decreases, the consumers are assumed to buy or acquire more. Microsoft at the same time holds the economies of scale which is one of its utmost competitive advantages. In the economies of scale more production would mean lower cost per unit of produced product. The marginal cost and marginal revenue are maximized for the advantage of the firm. Thus, this means efficiency of production and at some point Microsoft may be able to pursue or maximize its bundling strategy for its maximum advantage. As a result and under monopoly pricing, prices are controlled by the firm and the con sumers have no strong market power. The people are not the price maker in this case, but the firm instead. However, Microsoft can hardly obtain pure monopolistic power for as long as there is a continuing presence of the Silicon Valley giants such as Sun Microsystems, Intel, Apple Compute and others. Ideally, in a monopoly market structure, there is only a single seller; there is presence of unique product; and impossible entry into the market (Tucker, 2010). Thus, a pure monopoly’s characteristics include single seller, no close substitutes, price maker and there are barriers to entry and exit (Vallabhaneni, 2009). However, what is present today is showing us the fact that Microsoft can har

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Real estate study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Real estate study - Coursework Example The tenant has defaulted on this quarters rent (due on 25 March 2015) as well as defaulting on its service charge and insurance contributions which were also reserved as rent. Tenant default is defined as the breach of agreement of the tenancy contract (The Law Commission, 2006). Spotted Dice Limited has breached the agreement with Lansbury Towers when the former defaulted with the rent payment, service charge, and insurance contributions. It is very important that the Landlord will carefully consider the action needed. In order for this to happen, the landlord should assess whether the default made by the tenant is just temporary or the tenant wants to terminate the lease (Green 2012). Without commencing any court proceedings, there are different remedies available to the management of Lansbury Towers where the tenant Spotted Dice Limited is in default such as forfeiture, levying distress, recovery as a debt, recovery from third parties, negotiations, surrender and reduction of rent (Cass 2013). Most of the lease contract contains a clause that will entitle the landlord to forfeit the lease in case of default. This remedy is considered one of the fastest, simplest and cheapest which will only require locks and notice to the premise (Cass 2013). â€Å"The right of landlord to forfeit arises: However, under Section 146 of the Law of Property Act of 1925, the landlord’s right to forfeit in respect to tenant’s default and breach of contract will not be enforceable unless a notice containing the following is served on the tenant: The Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) provides the new process for landlords of commercial premises such as Lansbury Towers to recover tenant’s default by taking control of tenant’s goods. There should be no residential element and CRAR requires lease of commercial premises and recovery for principal rent for it to apply. This remedy is very handy as it only requires transparency of process through a notice given

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

VISIT TO A TEMPLE OR A SYNAGOGUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

VISIT TO A TEMPLE OR A SYNAGOGUE - Essay Example Also, I knew that Muslims are allowed kosher meat if halal is not available, so I was interested to find out what it meant to be kosher. In Islam, we don't eat pigs, and animals must be slaughtered with a sharp knife by a cut to the throat. Also, any adult Muslim can butcher an animal, as long as they pray to Allah facing Mecca beforehand. Rabbi Winoku explained Jews don't eat pork, either, but they have a different way of determining what meat is clean. Islam forbids dead meat, blood, and the flesh of swine. Jews eat only land animals with a split hoof that chew their cud, and birds that are not scavengers, and fish that have fins and scales. One thing that is the same is that Jews use a very sharp knife and cut across the animal's throat to keep it from feeling pain. But one thing that is different is that, although the Jewish slaughterer must be a holy man, Jews do not require that he pray before killing an animal. I wonder how it is possible for kosher meat to be halal, but that is a question for another day (and another religious leader!). Also Jews do not mix milk and meat at all, so that Jews can't eat something like a cheeseburger. I knew that the Jewish holy day is Saturday, not Friday as it is for Muslims, and the holiday starts the night before.

Monday, August 26, 2019

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

No topic - Assignment Example It is difficult to underestimate the importance that mercantilism played with respect to the Atlantic trade that took place within this same time period. Whereas it may be understood that Britain was the power that most greatly benefited from mercantilism, other European powers engaged with this very same model; up to and including the Portuguese, Spanish, the Dutch, and the French. Maintaining colonies in South America, Africa, the Caribbean, and Canada respectively, these powers utilize mercantilism as a way of both developing the colonial allegiance of the territories they held as well as benefiting the economy of the mother nation. This model of course shifted as the strength that the mother country could exert over these colonies began to diminish during the 18th century. Naturally, the American Revolution heralded the greatest reduction in mercantilism that had yet been witnessed. 2. European culture expanded throughout the world. Discuss how the Islamic kingdoms of the Ottoman s, Safavids and Mughals blended European culture with their own. How did Sharia law adjust to European influences? As European culture expanded throughout the world, trade routes were of course the most powerful mechanisms through which culture was integrated with foreign peoples. At the mixing point between East and West, European culture often came in direct contact with Muslim culture; a culture that specifically relied upon sharia law as a means of delineating justice and ordering their lives. However, as with any cultural interaction and the means through which this takes place, a synthesis of these two cultures and dominant religions came to take place. For instance, the Mughals, Safavids, and Ottomans adopted the European model of maintaining a standing army at all times through a regiment pay structure. This served as a fundamental difference with regards to the manner by which these entities had traditionally integrated with military affairs. Ultimately, rather than draftin g a conscript army that had little to no training and experiencing the massive losses from casualties that such an untrained and ill-prepared army necessarily engendered. Moreover, Western influences with regards to clothing, science, and technology were also represented within these cultures as they sought to change with the times and develop their own culture alongside what was, by the measurement of that era, the most advanced societies that existed. 3. How did the rulers of the world show their power? What did they build and how did they treat the common people in regards to the buildings? Be specific with the major powers of France, China, Persia, India and African empires. As might be expected, different cultures integrated with their subjects in different ways; choosing to display their power with regards to the buildings they created, the institutions they formed, and the manner through which society integrated. With respect to Persia, the power and majesty of Persia can be seen with respect to the architectural projects that were engaged and the emphasis upon beauty and art. By means of comparison, China was perhaps the most developed with respect to building architectural wonders in creating a society that could take pride in the splendor and beauty of the capital and surrounding regions. Interestingly, even though France was, and continues to be, and a dominant power in the world, the level and extent to which

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Effects of the Light Wavelengths Pea Germination Essay

Effects of the Light Wavelengths Pea Germination - Essay Example The difference in light wavelength is possible by use of light filter papers that will only select required wavelength. The experiment done and that forms the basis of this paper is a reflective of the phenomenon. Five pots were used to grow the pea in different light wavelength and then the masses of the pea in the different pots taken. The plants were then placed in an oven (80 degrees centigrade) and the masses of the dry weight of the pea observed and weighed. The results of the experiment show the different activities of the light wavelength on chlorophyll element of the plant, which is responsible for the absorption of light for photosynthesis. Introduction The main aim of the experiment is to ascertain the portion of the light spectrum that is absorbed the most in the leaves by chlorophyll. Apparently, it is known that the light wavelengths are best absorbed at the red and blue region (Toole, Toole, & Toole 1999, p. 132). The light wavelengths are measured in units called Nano meters (nm). In this case, the light wavelengths are best-absorbed 670nm and 500nm in the red and blue region respectively (Mauseth, & Mauseth 2009, p.92). It is therefore hypothesized that much growth occurred in the pots with the red and blue wavelength. Plants grown in the green wavelength environment are therefore expected to poorly perform since they are poorly absorbed to facilitate the process of photosynthesis. At this point of light wavelength absorption, the chlorophyll a and b are responsible for the absorption. There are other accessory pigments that helps absorb light wavelengths that do not fall within the active wavelength. An example of these acce ssory pigments the carotenoid.... There are other accessory pigments that helps absorb light wavelengths that do not fall within the active wavelength. An example of these accessory pigments the carotenoid (Mauseth, & Mauseth 2009, p. 98). The diagram below shows the absorption of light wavelength in the spectrum by the chlorophyll. (McDonald 2003, p. 116) Methodology Since the aim of the experiment was to establish the effects of the light wave length on germination of the pea plant, several batches of the plant were taken and simultaneously grown in the different light wavelengths. These included the red light, the green light, white light and the rest grown in the dark. The white light in this case was used as the control for the experiment. After germination of the pea, a close and careful observation of the seedlings was done and the salient features noted. In the batches of the pea that were grown in the different light wavelength, Vertical heights of the five tallest seedlings were taken and the average taken. Precision was taken to ensure that the measurement reflects the accurate length of the seedlings-measurement was started at the vermiculite/soil level. The seedlings in the white pot whose average was found were then taken out of the pot. The process was done carefully to ensure that no disturbances were caused on the roots of the plant. Any vermiculite/soil that was left on the roots were also carefully removed. A labeled piece of red paper was then placed in the tare key to set the zero balance, this was particularly important in ensuring that the precise weight of the seedlings was recorded. The five seedlings from each of the pots with the peculiar wavelength were taken through the procedure and finally weighed and the units recorded-this was regarded as taking the wet

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Future Trends in Purchasing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Future Trends in Purchasing Paper - Essay Example As such, procurement has and continues to help in the evolution of supply chain management in that procurement ensures the security of supply, market expansion, and reduces operational costs while maximizing profits. In essence, this is the direction that supply chain management is headed towards as it evolves from just a profit making venture into a practice requiring adherence to legal, ethical and consumer demands. Callender (2013) gives the example of how the global market now prefers GM-free foods and seeks to shun child labor. E-business can be described as the practice of using technology in order to improve business, essentially by conducting business processes on the internet. The adoption of information technology in the conduct of business has its own advantages and shortcomings, just like the traditional ways of conducting business. According to Popescul & Genete (2007) e-business is advantageous in that it reduces the amount of time required to transact business, while also reducing the costs involved. In addition, the incorporation of information technology in business transactions means that a company is able to market itself on global arenas. On the negative side of doing e-business, companies are exposed to hackers who can swindle the company and its clientele their money. In relation, consumers may fall prey to fraudsters who use information provided online, to steal credit card information. In other cases, There is also the risk that the company’s employees may be unable or unwilling to adapt to the applications used and may thus put the company at risk of losing its consumer base. It is also major concern for companies that the telecommunication bandwidth may be insufficient; meaning that access to online platforms may be hampered thus negating the need for e-business. The practice of using information technology to

Friday, August 23, 2019

N 750 words, discuss and provide support for the evolutionary origins Essay

N 750 words, discuss and provide support for the evolutionary origins of the following organisms or disease HIV,and how or why it spread to humans - Essay Example evidence put forward by a new team of researchers suggests that the AIDS pandemic dates back to as early as 1884 and that the virus responsible for causing the disease began circulating among humans in the Sub-Saharan African regions between the years 1884 and 1924 (National Geographic, 2012). Also, studies indicate that the first instances of this disease were observed among African primates who were detected with a virus closely related to the HIV, known as SIV (Simian immunodeficiency virus). The SIVs are known to have been transferred to humans through hunting activities and the consumption of primate meat by the humans in the African region (Hahn et al., 2000). The study of molecular phylogenies indicates the various cross-species transmission of the virus to humans. The exact number of cross-species transfer of this virus is difficult to estimate, however studies have shown that the incidence of HIV among humans is likely to be caused by as many as three such transfers in case of HIV-1 whereas the sub groups M, N and O are likely to be of independent origin (Gao, 1999; Sharp, 2001). The Evolutionary Theory: In order for any virus transferred from an animal to affect the human, it is essential for it to adapt to the new host. This is a rarity, since mostly viruses transferred from animals to humans do not affect the latter. However, this theory posits that if the virus transmitted from the animals have had several opportunities to enter the human body, it is highly likely for the said virus to adapt to it and latch on to the receptors thus affecting the human cells in the process. The same has been observed in case of the SIV virus which is a virus originally found among animals but successfully adapted to the hosts thus mutating into HIV, thus converting itself into a human virus (Kirkland, 2010). The Hunter Theory: Some researchers believe that the HIV virus is a mutation of the SIV virus commonly found among primates and has been transferred to humans

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Let the Free

Let the Freewriting Flow Essay Peter Elbow, author of the article â€Å"Freewriting† argues that using the technique freewriting is very beneficial for writers. Freewriting is nonstop writing without correcting or checking what you’ve already written. Elbow says writers should use this exercise at least three times a week to improve their writing skills. I strongly agree with his assessment from personal use of this technique. While writing my first freewrite I realized I was less stressed, I felt like the paper displayed my character more, and I was able to share all of my ideas without losing them. We are so caught up in trying to sound educated and proper in our writings it sometimes can take away from the actual piece. Writing while under stress often turns out in a disaster, usually why my pieces of writing aren’t always the best. Just like Elbow has said the reason people get so stressed while writing is because of how we are taught throughout school â€Å"schooling makes us obsessed with the mistakes we make in writing. Many people constantly think about spelling and grammar as they try to write. I am always thinking about the awkwardness, wordiness, and general mushiness of my natural verbal product as I try to write down words† (Elbow). This is completely true, the way we are taught in school adds a great deal of stress to the writer. At the beginning of every paper I’ve ever written for school I’ve always had stress because writing was never my strong suit to begin with and the requirements made it that much harder for me to develop a paper. Giving people such high standards for writing, yet telling them to make it their own is quite difficult for the writer because they are more worried about the structure rather than the actual content of the piece. People are also under stress while writing a paper because of who could be reading their piece, audience has a major impact on how a writer constructs their paper. With freewriting though you only have to worry about yourself reading over the paper so your ideas will flow easier onto the page because you a ren’t watching what your write in fear of offending someone. You are able to fully be yourself  throughout the piece. It’s difficult to incorporate character into your writing when you have to follow so many guidelines and worry about so many different things. Elbow states in his writing that you have a voice which is the main source of power in your writing, and unfortunately that â€Å"voice is damped out by all the interruptions, changes, and hesitations between the consciousness and the page† (Elbow). If we all had the same voice and then no ones writing would really be all that special. Freewriting helps the writer to find that voice because they are writing their exact ideas without anything interrupting them. Once they are done with the freewrite they are able to go back and fix it up a little but it will still be their voice and how they felt in the first place. Elbow makes a good point at the end of his piece saying that you only have one voice and you can’t give up on that voice no matter how much you may dislike it because without it you will never be heard, and your writing will never be your own. To me making the piece your own and to actually enjoy writing it is what writing should be about. Not the grammar mist akes, or how well it all flows. It should be about your thoughts and how you feel they should be expressed into a piece of writing. If writing is considered such a personal thing then we shouldn’t be so critiqued on every little thing throughout it. It’s happened more times than not when a writer loses an idea because they were too busy checking back on a previous one and trying to make it better. Using Elbow’s freewriting technique will ensure you to never lose an idea because as soon as it pops into your head you are able to write it down, even if it doesn’t exactly belong right there. Elbow also says that his technique stops the writer from editing their piece while writing allowing the ideas to flow more easily. I know from personal experience I lose ideas constantly because I’m worried about the previous paragraph, and if it was really good enough. When I wrote my freewrite I did not lose any ideas, I was able to get exactly what I wanted to say into that piece of writing and in the end if I wanted to I was able to go back and expand on them. Peter Elbow, author of the arti cle â€Å"Freewriting† has helped me be able to form a more well developed piece of writing through his technique, freewriting. This exercise has helped me stay calmer while I write my paper and helps me to not worry about what I’m writing the entire time. I benefit from Elbow’s technique this because once all of my ideas are out on paper I am able to go back and  form them into well-developed paragraphs just like I am required to do. The requirements from professors, bosses or whoever the audience may be will prevent someone from writing the best they can and making a piece their own because they are too worried about what the audience will think of it or if it’s good enough for their standards. For anyone who has trouble with forming ideas, or gets too caught up in the editing part of the paper while still writing should try out Elbow’s exercise freewriting and they may be surprised at how well it works and how much it may help them. I know I sure was shocked at how much it helped me especially after being a little uneasy about it at first I was pleasantly surprised. The freewriting exercise is what helped me develop this paper. I sat down for about an hour and was able to get all of my ideas down with no worries about grammar errors, or my audience, all I focused on was my ideas and what I thought was best to say in this paper. After I had finished it I went back and turned the freewrite into this piece. Since it worked so well for me I will now use freewriting before I start any of my papers in the future. Citation: Elbow, Peter. Freewriting. Freewriting. Center for Learning, Teaching, Communication, and Research, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2014.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gold Bear Golf INC. Essay Example for Free

Gold Bear Golf INC. Essay 1.The professional auditing standards have a set of five management assertions. Of the five assertions, three are very important in regards to the Paragon audit. The descriptions below, audit procedure is explained that would have ensured the audit was completed accurately. a.Occurrence- The management assertion that ensures a particular transaction actually happened. In the case of a construction company such as Paragon, this could be verified by going to a job site and checking to see if the job is actually happening. b.Valuation/Allocation- The management assertion that ensures the transactions are accounted for the correct amount. Changing from percentage-of completion method to the earned value method resulted in significantly overstated revenues and material misstatements in the financial statements. The audit procedure that should take place in this situation is inspection of the records. Looking back at the records would show the change was not supported by the accepted accounting standards. c.Presentation/Disclosure- The management assertion that ensures all changes within a company are stated in the notes of the financials. These changes should be easy to understand and depict a complete picture of the company from the year. The audit procedure that should have taken place during the audit is inquiry. Sullivan and the staff should have questioned the managers on his or her decisions instead of taking their word as to why the changes were made. 2.The audit failures the SEC were referring to was the fact that Sullivan and his staff relied on the manager’s word. Sullivan and staff did not perform the accurate assertions to test the information provided from Paragon’s managers. The audit partner, Sullivan in this case, is the individual who is in charge of ensuring everyone on the audit is performing his or her job completely and accurately. Sullivan will take the blunt of the responsibility because he is ultimately the person who is in charge of overseeing the auditing the audit as a whole, but the audit staff should also face consciences from the findings. 3.A high risk audit means the chance that of material misstatement and fraudulent activities are significantly higher. Weak controls, changes in management, and changes in accounting methods are several reasons why an auditor would conclude a company is a â€Å"high risk† engagement. The audit partner basis the risk of engagement on his or her observations from the company. When working a high  risk engagement, an auditor will examine a higher percentage of the transactions from throughout the year. Checking more transactions means the auditors are going to produce the most accurate financials possible and ensuring no fraudulent activities are taking place within the company. 4.Auditors do have the responsibility of following the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guides for specialized industries. The AICPPA set guidelines for companies in these industries to follow to ensure the end product is of highest quality. Auditors should make sure the managers are following all of the rules and regulation set forth for that type of company, but these guidelines should never override or replace the Statements on Auditing and Standards. The Statement and Auditing Standards is the rule book for how and what is to be performed in an audit. the AICPA should make the Audit and Accounting Guides for specialized industries in accordance with the Statement and Auditing Standards so the companies are operating with the highest quality, in both products and financial standing. 5.When making a change in the accounting principle used within a company, there has to be very good reason why the company wants to. When these changed are made, they must be presented retrospectively. Managers must produce the financial statements for the past several years so the public can see the effects it has on the company. On the other hand, the changes in accounting estimates are applied prospectively. Managers use the new method in estimating cost and revenues from that point forward. The changes Paragon made are for accounting estimates. The percentage-in-completion method and the earned value method are accounting estimate methods. Boyd and Curbello will use the new method from that point forward. The problem Paragon ran into is disclosure. The changes were not properly disclosed in the financials. This is a problem because two method result in very different numbers for the company.

Lord of the Flies Symbolism Essay

Lord of the Flies Symbolism Essay The conch shell is a shell that means a lot more than just a beautiful white shell. It has great power and it symbolizes civilization and order. The boys on the island look to this conch as holding order in a crumbling society. The boys respect this conch in the beginning and no one can speak unless you are holding the conch. You will see how the conch, positioned high on a pedestal, but in the end, lays among the rocks in fine white dust. As the civilization and order on the island begins to erode, the conch shell looses power and this has a big influence on the boys. When they start to realize the conch is losing power, things will get out of order and jack is beginning to take over. Once Jack takes over, savageness is comes into play. The diminishing of the conchs importance in this story shows the start of the decline of the civilization on this island. When the conch shell is crushed by the boulder roger threw, this symbolizes the true end of civilization and the true start of a truly savage nation. The signal fire is another important symbol in lord of the flies. The fire seems to represent savageness and civilization. It is savage because it burns wildly and it is civilization in the sense that they are trying to get rescued. The fire at first is a symbol of civilization and order and because Ralph is trying to get rescued which symbolizes civilization. When the fire starts to burn out of control and one boy goes missing (the one with the big birthmark on the side of his face) this shows that the fire is becoming savage. The signal fire has many complex layersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ kind of like an onion. When the fire burns low or goes out, we begin to realize that the boys have lost the desire to be rescued and have accepted their savage lives on the island. The fire is ironic in a way that at the end of the novel, it finally gets a ship to the island. Instead of it being the signal fire it is the fire of savagery. The forest fire Jacks tribe starts as part of trying to hunt Ralph d own and kill him The evil within the boys has more effect on their existence as they spend more time on the island, isolated from the rest of society that represents the decline and is shown by Piggys specs. Piggys glasses represent civilization, science, and technology while they are trying to get rescued. Piggys glasses make the fire start representing the start of the civilization process, if that is what you want to call it. Without the glasses, they would not have been able to get rescued. They end up fighting over the gasses when the glasses were knocked off piggy and broken. That represents how the glasses have changed and how the civilization is starting to diminish. When jack steals the glasses this shows how savageness is taking over and how jack is taking over. Throughout the book, Piggy represents the civilization and the rules. As Piggy loses his ability to see, the other boys lose their vision of becoming civilized and being rescued. When the story begins, Piggy can see clearly with bot h lenses of his glasses perfectly new and the boys are still civilized. After some time passes, the hunters become more concerned with slaughtering of a pig than with being rescued and returning to civilization. Things are beginning to diminish. This is illustrated in the way that Piggys glasses are becoming more and more broken. It shows how in the beginning piggy could see clearly and things were civilized. Then when his glasses were knocked off, he could not really see and that shows how civilization is declining. When Piggys glasses are stolen, he cannot see at all which shows that civilization has completely disappeared. The beast is a thing that all the boys are afraid of, it is a product of their imagination. However, in reality, it represents the evil that lurks whit in all of us, which is causing life on the island to deteriorate. Piggy begins to say that the beast is just fear and Simon tells them, Maybe, maybe there is a beast what I mean is maybe its only us (p. 89). Jack states that the beast can take shape in any form, which is kind of showing how the beast can take shape in anybody. It is foreshadowing in how the beast will soon come out of the boys and start killing one by one. The beast changes from the beginning because it is seen as a thing but then later on they started to realize that the beast is within all of us. The beast cant be killed because it is in every single one of us. The beast is, literally a man that is not what Simon means when he says that it is only us. He is talking about the beast being the darkness that is inside each and every one of us. If this is true, then, as the Lord of the Flies later says, it is crazy to think that the beast is something you could hunt and kill. If it is inside all of us, not only can we not hunt it, we can never see it, never give it form and never defeat it. When Simon has his scene with the pigs head, the Lord of the Flies says to him, Im the beast. This makes simons other words true; you cannot hunt and kill the beast, because they have already hunted and killed the pig and it is still talking to you. Even later, when Ralph smashes the skull, makes the smile bigger, now six feet across as it lies grinning at the sky. This thing just will not die, and it torments Ralph so much, because it knows all the answers and wont tell. The boys are afraid of the beast, but only Simon realizes that they fear the beast because it exists within each of them. As the boys grow more savage, their belief in the beast grows stronger. By the end of the novel, the boys are leaving it and treating it as a some what god. The boys behavio r is what brings the beast into their lives because they are so savage. The more savagely the boys act, the more real the beast seems to become. Another symbol that is the presented in the middle of the book is the lord of the flies. The lord of the flies is the main theme of the book, hence the title. The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that the boys killed and chopped up. The Lord of the Flies is the bloody, severed sows head that Jack impales on a stake in the forest glade as an offering to the beast. They stuck the head on a stick and left it there for the so-called beast to come eat it. The lord of the flies symbolizes the devil or satan. The actions that the boys did to kill the pig was the last action that truly turned them to savages. That was the most savage thing they could have done. Simon has a discussion with the lord of the flies and it tells him that the beast cannot be killed and it lurks within all of us. This complicated symbol becomes the most important symbol in the novel when Simon confronts the cows head in the forest and it seems to speak to him, telling him that evil lies within every human he art and promising to have some fun with him. (This fun foreshadows Simons death in the next chapter.) In this way, the Lord of the Flies becomes both a physical picture of the beast, a symbol of the power of evil, and a kind of Satan figure who makes the beast come out within each human being. Looking at the book in the sense of the bible, the Lord of the Flies resembles the devil, just as Simon resembles Jesus. The name Lord of the Flies is a translation of the name of the biblical name Beelzebub, which is a powerful demon in hell that is sometimes thought to be the devil. The boys, have truly, been deprived of their innocence. They have witnessed that deep down inside there is a dangerous beast lurking there. The symbols help to show how the innocence is lost and how things have changed in their society. Golding is foreshadowing our lives. Slowly and slowly, we will become more and more uncivilized and the beast will come out and transform our faces and personality. The change in the symbols of the book shows the slow decline of civilization and the gradual increase of the savageness and the beast manifesting from within the boys.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Meaninglessness Glory in Wilfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay

Meaninglessness Glory in Wilfred Owen's Dulce Et Decorum Est It is sweet and proper to die for one’s country. Sweet! And decorous! If in some smothering dreams you too could pace behind that wagon, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory that old lie†¦. Wilfred Owen titles his poem the Latin translation of what he refers to as â€Å"The old Lie† (Dulce Et Decorum Est), and sets out to disprove it. Using poetry and imagery as his primary tools, Owen recalls the death of his friend in disturbing detail, displaying the meaninglessness of the ordeal. Owen attempts to deny the glory that many believe is to be had through dying in war. Instead of a more traditional argument, however, Owen opts for poetry. In his poem, he tells the tale of soldiers struggling. The struggling turns to anguish once gas is unleashed upon them, preying on one man who was not quick enough to put on his helmet in time. â€Å"Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.† They quickly put him in a wagon an...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Journal Article Critique Essay -- essays research papers

Research Article 1 Roberts, T. (2003). Effects of Alphabet-Letter Instruction on Young Children’s Word Recognition [Electronic Version]. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (1), 41-51. Title The title of the article gave a fair representation of the topic as it was clear and concise in the wording. The title encompassed the idea that alphabet letter instruction on young children’s word recognition would be explored through experiments and analysis. Reading on through the article it was evident that the effects of alphabet letter instruction on you children’s word recognition were addressed. Introduction Experimental studies have been undertaken throughout the years in relation to alphabet letter instruction. The first of these experiments were undertaken with kindergarten and year one students in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The purpose of these early experiments was to examine the hypothesis that letter-name knowledge played a causal role in the relationship between letter-name knowledge and early reading. If knowledge of letter names was a causal factor, then instruction that increased children’s letter-name knowledge should increase early reading performance. It was concluded from these early studies that there was little educational benefit to be gained from letter-name instruction. A man by the name of Ehri in 1983 critiqued these early studies and concluded they suffered from a number of methodological flaws. The concluded flaws included training may have been too short and not thorough, treatment groups differed, training did not include instruction in how to use letter-name knowledge for word reading and training the children in small groups resulted in insufficient learning. Since the early studies and Ehri’s conclusions a great deal of research has demonstrated that letter knowledge is integrally involved in word recognition. The hypotheses and purpose of this later study was to examine anew the effects of letter-name knowledge associated with instruction on beginning phonetic word recognition with methodology correcting for the flaws of previous studies. After instruction the children’s ability to learn 3 types of word spellings was examined. An argument was then formulated that efforts to increase children’s attention to letter information are needed, given its clear importance in early reading. Method The subjects for this stud... ...ponent. The core of this difference seem to centre around how children should be helped to read words not in their sight vocabularies, with parents highly valuing the use of word phonetics and teachers highly valuing the use of context. There were no limitations and future research noted in this study. Critique This article discussed the views and opinions of both parents and teachers in regards to beginning reading. Literacy development is a major issue within early primary classrooms. Parent’s views on this were that literacy development is the responsibility of the school. The foundation of literacy definitely comes from the school but it is at home where it is practiced and reinforce and may even overarch the schools responsibility. Children whose parents are unable to assist them at home with their literacy development definitely fall out in respect to ongoing help and support. Children in my primary school classes whose parents were unable to help them struggled with their reading, word recognition and literacy skills the entire way through primary school. This shows that literacy development is not primarily the schools responsibility but the child’s parents at home also.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free Macbeth Essays: The Importance of Guilt :: Free Essay Writer

The Importance of Guilt in Macbeth Through the story guilt motivates Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to a great extent. Macbeth was a kind, fine nobleman of the king Duncan. But one day his benevolence and his patronage to the king changed. He had met the three witches who had revealed the three prophecies. The first prophecy was that Macbeth would become the thane of Cawdor. The second prophecy is that he will become the king in the future. The third was that Banquo’s sons will also become kings in the future (Banquo is a good friend of Macbeth). Macbeth took his future into his own hands. Lady Macbeth was the own who encouraged and persuaded Macbeth into the horrible circumstances. Guilt plays a role to the couple differently at certain occasions. Guilt encircles Macbeth the night he killed King Duncan. He came back to his wife with a horrified expression on his face. "This is a sorry sight"(Act2 scene2 line 20), he told her. . "A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight", Lady Macbeth was thunderstruck to his remark. She had no sense of guilt right then. He couldn’t believe what he had done, what he got himself into. The sons of the king, Malcolm and Donalbain, were in the next room. "There’s one did laugh in ‘s sleep, and one cried, "Murder!" That they did wake each other". I stood and heard them. But they did say their prayers, and addressed them Again to sleep. But wherefore could not I pronounce "Amen"? I had most need of blessing, and "Amen" Stuck in my throat." Macbeth had heard them say their prayers He was in fear. He was stunned and in shock that he had killed someone like King Duncan. Guilt surrounds Macbeth for the second time when he sends out the murderers to kill Banquo, his old friend. Macbeth had no other choice but to get rid of Banquo. Banquo had witnessed the three witches and the prophecies. One prophecy was that his son would become king one day "To make them kings, the seeds of Banquo kings"(Act3 scene1 line70). In order for Macbeth to be safe is to kill Banquo. Banquo may assume what had happened and tell the people of Scotland. "For Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind; for them the gracious Duncan have I murdered; Put rancors in the vessel of my peace only for them, and mine eternal jewel".

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Narrative Flow Of The Current System

Narrative Flow of the Current System GO Computers opens at 8:00 AM until 7:30 PM and is open from Monday to Sunday. The persons that are involved in the company are the Manager, Technician's and the Cashier. The Manager is responsible for the overall operation of the business. He is responsible for overseeing and supervising the company's activities and employees. He hires, train and evaluate new employees. He drives the work of employees in order to run the business efficiently and make a large profit. And specializes in marketing, public relations and sales.The Manager checks the Daily Sales Report kept by the Cashier to keep track Of the products sold in a particular time. The Technician installs hardware and software systems, maintain and repair equipment's, troubleshoot various computer or laptop issues and offer technical support on-site, setup PC's for home users or fix customers faulty equipment's and prepare the cost estimates for repair or new installations. The technician is responsible in opening the shop and should be present at all times in order to attend to customers entering to get their equipment's checked or repaired.The Cashier provides the last-desk customer service by taking payments from customers in exchange of goods or services. The cashier accept and processes cash, exchanges and managing the cash drawer. The cashier is also responsible in registering products in the inventory and in making and encoding the customers receiving slip. And before the closing time, the cashier is the one who makes the Daily Sales Report. The company's workplace is divided into 2. One is the technicians repair area where all repair equipments used are found and product testing, preparing, assembling and troubleshooting takes place.Second is the cashiers work desk, it is where cash related topics occur like exchanging, purchasing and also in making the daily sales report for the profit acquired by the company on the specified date. In product registration, t he cashier opens the file document named GO Computers Inventory using Microsoft excel then encode the product's brand name, model and quantity and retail price basing in each products respective category. After encoding and finalizing the product registration, the cashier eaves the document in a specified location on the computer.For product purchase, the technician checks the unit or product and presents it to the customer to make sure that the item is working properly before leaving the establishment's premises. And makes sure that all parts included for the product to be purchased are organized and tested. On services, for customers who entered for their gadgets or equipment to be repaired by the technician they are given estimated time and cost of the repair after the checkup. If the customer agrees and go with the repair, the unit will be achieved using a receiving slip.The receiving slip is an already printed format to receive items of customers for repair. The slip has the cu stomers name, address and contact number, date of receive, number of the slip for the unit received, specifications of the unit in order to easily locate and make sure of the protection of the customers item and for organization, problem description, price and customers signature. The technician writes down using a ball pen the present date, specifications of the item with its corresponding serial numbers, description of the units problem and price given. Then the slip is handed to the customer to fill up the needed information.There are two papers used as receiving slips, one is issued for the customer the Other is for the company. The technician uses carbon paper in between both paper in writing down the needed information. Once the repair is successful, the technician burn tests the unit for the next few days to make sure the product is working properly. The customer will be contacted by the technician to inform if the repair was successful or not. If successful, the customer wil l be directed to the cashier for the receipt and moment of the service rendered. In customer payments, the company use BIRR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) cash invoice.The cash in voice is a small piece of paper used as receipt and is given to customers. Its format has the brand and name of product, quantity or the number of units, name of customer, and date of the specified time, and price of product and a blank space for cashier's signature. In encoding, the cashier writes down using a ball pen filling up all the information needed and is handed to the customer as proof that they purchased the item. And as for product warranty, the company provides a specified format to be used and given for the customer. It is called warranty slip.The warranty vary upon the category and price of the product or service. For purchased laptop or a computer set the warranty given is one year. For computer and laptop parts and accessories the warranty given is three months. And for items with price tags ranging below five hundred pesos are given two weeks of warranty. The warranty slip issued format has customers name, date, brand and name of product, products specification and serial number, quantity of product, detail price, price discounted, total price, signature of the cashier whom prepared the slip, approval signature of the technician or the manager and signature of the customer.The slip is encoded by the cashier in the computer with a file format of Microsoft excel. After filling up the required information the cashier prints out two warranty slip to be signed by the cashier, by the technician or manager present and the customer. Product exchange, the product bought by the customer will be checked by the technician. And the receipt together with the warranty slip given should be resented to the cashier in order to validate the complaint.If the product was found defective, it could either be replaced if there are available products or it would be sent back to the products r epair center to determine whether the product can be granted its warranty. And if not the product will be returned back to the customer. This privilege is available for laptops purchased only. Another option, is replacement for a new product as long as they are Of the same price and the warranty cover stated in the warranty slip is not void.For placement of product, the cashier takes the warranty and receipt of the customer and replaces it with a new receipt and warranty slip for the replaced item. But the warranty of the new product is still the same as the time when the defective unit was purchased. The inventory is divided into categories. One is name of product, retail price, quantity and date. In editing the inventory the cashier opens the file GO Computers Inventory which is in a Microsoft excel format. Then one by one adjusts the cells to add, edit and delete products. Encode number of units sold in a day in every cell.After finalizing, the cashiers saves the file document. A nd before closing, the cashier writes down the Daily sales report using a ball pen. The sales report has the present date, total profit from yesterdays report, income from services, accessories and down payment of customers, salaries and other expenses and the total profit earned for the day. In the sales report the cashier encodes the profit earned in the present day, salaries expenses, and the available cash. Then calls the manager after tallying to inform of the profit earned. After, then at 7:30 the technician closes the shop.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Book Report on Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens Essay

In his novel, Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens narrates a classical story (in a true life experience manner) of a mistreated Orphan, named Oliver Twist. The story unfolds the adventure of Oliver Twist who lost both parents at a very tender age and thus lost his chances of decent living. His mother died at childbirth, while his father was conspicuously absent in his life from the beginning. He spent his tender years in a far away â€Å"babyfarm†, where children were giving little or no care and treated with contempt. â€Å"You needn’t mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse,† said the surgeon, putting on his gloves with great deliberation. â€Å"It’s very likely it will .. † Oliver Twist went from one sordid experience to another till providence eventually brought him face to face with his true identity and his heritage. In the end, he was adopted by a decent family and was bestowed a decent living he never had and had always dreamed of. When he was just nine years old, he was sent to the workhouse (the same place his mother had died while giving birth to him), where he met with unbearable hardship. It was the tradition of the workhouse to starve orphans, giving them just about enough to keep them alive. The staffs were not only insensitive to the needs of these orphans, they were also cruel to them. So when Oliver Twist went to meet Bumble, a staff of the workhouse, to demand for more gruel, â€Å"Please sir, I want some more†, he was tagged a trouble maker. Oliver’s treatment was a typical example of giving a dog a bad name so one can hang it. His penalty for this was that he was offered as an apprentice to an undertaker, named Sowerberry, where he met with more hardship. A boy named Noah claypole ridiculed Oliver’s dead mother which led to a fight between the two of them and only Oliver was punished for that. He decided to run away to London to start life afresh, but unfortunately, the social vices of Victorian London had only more cruelty in stock for him. Oliver wanted to lead a decent life but when he met characters like Dawkins, the Artful Dodger, Charley Bates, Fagin and the rest of the bandit, he could not keep himself away from troubles. His false arrest led to an injury which culminated to being taken in by Brownlow. Brownlow offered Oliver an ample opportunity to live a decent life, a life he had wanted so much, but Nancy and Bill Sikes came to ruined it all by taking him back to Fagin. Nancy later realized that they had ruined Oliver chance of a better life and she felt remorse about it. Till luck brought Oliver’s identity to the open and revealed Mr Monk’s (Oliver’s half brother) evil plan for him, his life kept revolving around controversies. Charles Dickens deployed his characters to be cruel and mete out hardship to Oliver twist and to themselves as well to achieve the plot of the play. It was only the family of Maylies and Brownlow who were nice and caring to Oliver. From Bumble who sold Oliver’s locket to Mr Monk who wanted to cheat Oliver of his inheritance and the group of bandit that first took in Oliver in London, all were characters that displayed a great extent of sternness of the society to the needs of a wanting orphan. Summarily, the theme revolves around the experiences of an orphan boy, left in the cruel hands of a society that cares little about children that have lost their parents. It also delves into the crude and brutal life styles of criminals. The book is a satire, a mild social critic of the insensitivity and unthoughtful of the society toward the orphans, especially children, who where enforced to work in workhouses. These workhouses were unkempt, unmonitored and overly in a chaotic state. In the book, Charles Dickens draws the attention of the general public to the social vices of his time, most especially the law that states that orphans should work in the workhouse. The diction of the book also helps to a great extent in making the book a social satire, the diction is full of sarcasm and a peculiar humour painted with gloom. There are several scenes of melodrama, with passages marrying humour and horror together. Today, the book is still relevant in our contemporary world, for it still addresses social issues like child labour and child involvement with crimes with are on the increase everyday. The book has adapted into several films and musical. Over, the book has made a literary and economic success. Reference Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, Or, The Parish Boy’s Progress, Contributor Philip Horne, Penguin Classics. 2003 Paul Schlicke, Oxford Reader’s Companion to Dickens Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1999. www. online-literature. com www. goodreads. com/book/show/18254. Oliver_Twist www. powells. com/biblio

Price Mechanism in a Capitalist Economy

In a capitalist economy, all the central problems are solved with the help of price mecha ­nism. In such an economy, no individual or a firm deliberately tries to solve the central problems; all economic activities operate automatically and there is no conflict anywhere. The basic reason for all this is that price mechanism brings about co-ordination in various sectors of economy and in various eco ­nomic activities. The important characteristic of such a system is that it is automatic and there is no institution or agency which regulates or operates it.The basis of price mechanism is that every commodity or service has a price which is determined with the help of supply and demand. Every commodity is bought and sold through money. If a person sells his services or commodity, he gets money and in lieu thereof he can buy goods and services which he needs. If there are more buyers of a commodity, its demand goes up and producers increase its production. On the other hand, if a comm odity is available in abundance, its supply increases, with the result its price goes down and producers reduce its production.Whenever there is a difference or dis ­equilibrium between supply and demand, price starts changing, with the result this difference disappears and again an equilibrium is established between supply and demand. demand and supply curves intersect each other at point E where price is OP and equilibrium output OQ. According to the schedule equilibrium price will be Rs. 10 because at this price demand and supply are equal. In a capitalist economy, all the central problems are solved with the help of price mechanism.Now we would sec as to how all the central problems—what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce—arc solved with the help of price mechanism. 1. What to produce? In a capitalist economy, production of a commodity is decided by the forces of demand and supply. As the production of a commodity depends upon its demand and suppl y, in the same way aggregate output is determined by aggregate demand and aggregate supply. The level of output where aggregate demand and aggregate supply are equal is finally fixed as equilibrium output.In the aggregate output, what should be the quantities of different commodities. This decision is also taken by the equilibrium of demand and supply of different commodities. The production of the commodity is increased whose price goes up as a result of increase in its demand. On the other hand, if the demand of a commodity declines, its production is reduced. 2. How to produce? As the competition among consumers decides as to what goods should be produced, in the same way, the competition among the producers decides as to how goods should be produced.A commodity can be produced adopting a number of techniques. The method or technology which is the cheapest is adopted and the one which is costlier is abandoned. Therefore, the decision as to how goods should be produced depends on the prices of factors. A producer combines various factors for producing a commodity in such a way so that his production cost is minimum. For example, coal and diesel both can be used as fuel. If coal is cheaper in comparison to diesel, coal would be used and reverse would be the case if diesel is cheaper.In this way, the choice of technique of production or the factor combination depends upon the factor prices. In a country where there is abundance of labour and wages are low, more of labour and less of capital! would be used. On the other hand, in a country where there is less of labour and more of capital, capital-intensive techniques would be used. 3. For whom to produce? In a capitalist economy, production of commodities depends upon the buying capacity of the consumers in the market. It is a well known fact that the paying capacity of a consumer depends upon his purchasing power or his income.Besides this, the income of a consumer depends upon the fact as to how much his serv ices are demanded. Higher the demand for a person's services, higher would be his income. If the income of a consumer is more, his capacity to buy is more. In such a situation, production will be carried out for such persons whose incomes are more or who can pay. Therefore, in a capitalist economy, it is observed that price-mechanism facilitates more production of luxuries meant for rich people and less production of goods of mass consumption meant for poor people.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fdi Norms, Foreign Participation in an Indian Insurance Company

As per the current (Mar 06) FDI norms, foreign participation in an Indian insurance company is restricted to 26. 0% of its equity / ordinary share capital. The Union Budget for fiscal 2005 had recommended that the ceiling on foreign holding be increased to 49. 0%. The government approved the much-awaited comprehensive Insurance Bill that seeks to raise foreign direct investment (FDI) cap in private sector to 49 per cent from 26 per cent. abc 4JVGh 7596 Insurance Market in India: Past-Present-Future pic2 pyYXW 7596FDI Cap 49% from 26%: Impact on Indian Insurance Industry A higher foreign direct investment (FDI) will unshackle the insurance industry and drive growth and long-term development enrich the business by bringing world-class business practices and processes expand distribution capabilities and deepen market penetration. Over US$ 2 billion of foreign capital could flow into the country if the Government were to pass the Insurance Amendment Bill that raises the FDI limit. Scene 1: Change in waive service tax on micro insurance productsThe growth of the rural insurance industry necessitates a waiver of the service tax, which currently stands at 10. 3 per cent, including education cess. This tax is detrimental to the growth of the rural insurance industry and insensitive to the plight of rural populace which lacks quality healthcare and is vulnerable to numerous perils, including illness, accidental death and disability, loss of property due to theft or fire, agricultural losses, and disasters of both the natural and man-made varieties.Rural insurance has an enormous potential for growth and a service tax waiver will make micro insurance products more affordable for the rural populace, and will drive pan-India penetration of this market. Scene 2: Revision on Service tax on small transactions There is an urgent need to increase the threshold for the levy of service tax on policies. The present notification exempts small transactions involving premium of less than Rs 50 (except motor insurance) from the ambit of service tax.The threshold limit of Rs 50 which was fixed in 1994 needs urgent revision. Small transactions involving premium up to Rs 1,000 should be exempt from service tax which will benefit the under-privileged sections of our society. Insurance premium for covering small and medium enterprise risks should be exempt from service tax. For other insurance products, we would like a reduction in the service tax by at least 3-4 per cent. Scene 3: Exempting personal insurance from service taxThere is an overwhelming demand across all players in the industry that individual health insurance policies should be totally exempt from service tax. Exemption of health insurance from the service tax will make health cover affordable and accessible for the layman. Consequently, cheaper health insurance will increase its pan-India penetration. Additional IT exemption for householders’ policies and concessional IT rates will give a fill ip to home insurance and will also reduce the burden on the government in the event of catastrophes. Scene 4: Exemption for profit on sale of investmentsTo encourage general insurance players to be active participants in capital markets, there is a requirement for specific exemption from income-tax on profit on sale of investments. The issue of admissibility of UPR (unexpired premium reserves) as per IRDA regulations rather than as per Insurance Act only, for IT deductions. The UPR is at present restricted to the extent of limits specified in rule 6E of the Income Tax rules due to which insurance companies need to pay tax beyond their profit disclosed in their audited accounts. Hence, the UPR created as per IRDA regulations should be allowed as per rule 6E.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Elizabeth Film Questions Essay

Elizabeth’s time was very complicated, especially for a lady ruler. Her’s was a time when the women were regarded to be inferior to the men. Monarchy was always about the King, and the Queen was only regarded as the bearer of the son. Elizabeth was able to shine above the rest by telling them that women also had the capabilities that men had. As a ruler, the intellectual capabilities and will to lead are needed. Being a man or a woman is only a facade that may be given by people all throughout. Elizabeth’s unique way somewhat gave me the idea that life is indeed based on the perception of people. All should be regarded equally, and that chances should be given to others who have not tasted success. Furthermore, Elizabeth never showed any sign of weakness during her reign, and I believe that this is something that others should learn to follow. Decisions in the work force are not always based on the emotions of people, but on what is right and appropriate. I also believe that is just proper for all to live an open mind so that disappointments may be avoided. 9. Elizabeth decided to become married to her job. What are the pros and cons of such a choice? Committing entirely to a specific job is something that people should learn to take seriously. At a young age, Elizabeth decided to become married to her job as Queen of England. For this, she had to leave her personal life behind, and had to prioritize the welfare of her people above anyone else. Unlike other women, Elizabeth executed a fiery heart that was far different from other women her age. As the queen, she led her army during the Golden Age, while the women stayed home to cater to the needs of the children. The pride and honor that would come with such action is irreplaceable with any sum of money; however, going home alone is another unfair effect. Since she opted not to marry, she was left alone with no one to turn to in times of heartaches. She had to resolve her queries alone, and had to be strong when she was feeling lowly. 12. If you were queen or king of your organization what would you do? Do you think it’s easy to be a monarch or a CEO? Why or why not? If I were King, I would opt for a government where freedom exists. I do not want my people to be afraid by my mere presence, nor would they be hindered from airing their sentiments to me and my government. In addition to this, I also want to rein a country where love and peace exists, and where others would be happy by the simple things in life. However, I also want to put a limit on the kind of openness that may exist between the government and the people. I deem it necessary so that the people would learn to practice an honest and simple life. Personally, I believe that both positions are quite difficult to accomplish in their own little ways. However, I would opt to be a CEO than be a King of a land. Work as a CEO is only isolated to the problems that may be experienced by a company, as compared to the numerous problems that may be placed on the head of the King. Each decision that is made by the CEO is geared towards the success and improvement of the company alone, but may turn the other way around when placed in the wrong set of hands. Regardless of such impediments, I believe that people should learn to keep an open mind for change in order to accomplish everything in a more positive note. May it be a King or a CEO, what is important is the fact that as ruler, I may be able to fulfill my duties geared towards the upheaval of life.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Business Policy and Strategic Management Research Paper

Business Policy and Strategic Management - Research Paper Example The author of the paper states that growth is the way of life. Almost all organizations plan to expand. This is why expansion strategies are the most popular corporate strategies. Companies aim for sustainable growth. A growing economy, burgeoning markets, customers seeking new ways of need satisfaction, and emerging technologies offer ample opportunities for companies to seek expansion. Apart from competitive strategies, competition could coexist with cooperation. Corporate strategies could take into account the possibility of mutual cooperation with competitors while competing with them at the same time so that the market potential could expand. Cooperative strategies could be of the following types: 1. Mergers 2. Takeovers (or Acquisitions). 3. Joint Ventures & 4. Strategic Alliances.  Merger and takeover (or acquisition) strategies essentially involve the external approach to expansion. Basically two, or occasionally more than two, entities are involved. There is not much diffe rence in the three terms used for such types of strategies and they are frequently used synonymously. But a subtle distinction can be made. While mergers take place when the objectives of the buyer firm and the seller firm are matched to a large extent, takeover or acquisitions usually are based on the strong motivation of the buyer firm to acquire. The takeover is a common way for acquisition and maybe defining as "the attempt (often spring as a surprise) of one firm to acquire ownership or control over another firm against the wishes of the later management (and perhaps some of its stockholders). Joint ventures occur when an independent firm is created by at least two firms. In an era of globalization, joint ventures have proved to be invaluable strategies for companies looking for expansion opportunities globally. Strategic alliances are partnerships between firms' whereby their resources, capabilities, and core competencies are combined to pursue mutual interests to develop, man ufacture or distribute goods or services. Organizations follow the growth paths can be pursued via external expansion and mergers are the most popular measures. In this case (Merger) the business does not create the productive facilities itself, but purchases existing production. A merger is a situation in which, as a result of the mutual agreement two firms decide to bring together their business operations. A merger is distinct from a take over in so far as a takeover involves one firm bidding for another's shares. One firm thereby acquires another. A merger implies that managers through negotiation have reached an agreement acceptable to both sides. Mergers provide a much quicker means to growth than internal expansion. Not only does the firm acquire new capacity, but also it acquires additional consumer demand. Building up this level of consumer demand by internal expansion might have taken a considerable length of time.  

Monday, August 12, 2019

Product & pricing (marketing management) Case Study

Product & pricing (marketing management) - Case Study Example TiVo managements, now spearheading a brand new sector of entertainment industry, did a lot on market development which involves marketing existing products, in this case services in new markets. In some degree product development was used but on a limited scale. Perhaps a lot of work on research and development made both market development and diversification attainable. Also in the area of diversification of TiVo services, there were a few brand names to take care of different sets of customers which new market strategy of Ansoff's growth model seeks to explain. More so, 0.04% penetration rate is abysmally low largely due to lack of awareness on the part of customers. A very good indicator, current quarterly subscribers of 14,000, needs to be sustained while means are to be devised through appropriate marketing channels to increase this number in the near future. Concerning product life cycle, one is of the belief that TiVo is still in its introduction stage - infancy probably heading to growth stage. A period of one year or thereabout cannot be safely considered to be in full growth or maturity or have dominating influence on the market. The net loss increasing progressively as shown on exhibit 3 tends to suggest that management must remodel and refocus its strategies in order to remain profitable. Frankly speaking, since the project is still in introduction stage, it will make economic sense if they could focus on TiVo's long-term prospects. Market Attractiveness As said earlier, TiVo has a cutting-edge technology that can impact greatly the entertainment industry if professional inputs are sought on most policy decisions. The market is really vast but the problems TiVo has include inability to relay what it can offer the public and tendency for the very marketers (including columnist) hired to promote the services end up confusing and dispelling customers. Also the model adopted by the co-founders and management are imperfect, this reflects in pricing policy, branding and marketing techniques. TiVo is highly innovative by featuring qualities like pause, fast-forward, rewind, play and record. Conventional TV can not boost of these qualities let alone recording in basic, medium, high and best modes. Important point about this innovative strength is that for TiVo to sell there is need to reach out to customers and let them understand TiVo's value proposition. New Product Development Process New product development process seems to be lacking or non-existent; diversification, an integral component of Ansoff's Growth Matrix requires that products or services be branded (segmented) to satisfy different customers. Differentiating TiVo's service from recording with different prices is one but inadequate service segmentation. Management should think of bundling different services into TiVo like gaming. A close study of customer's preferences for programmes can be another big clue. Brand Positioning Furthermore, TiVo branding has a huge price differential between the two main recording services defeating the whole essence of branding. Charging $499 for a black box for a 14-hour recording and $999 for the same black box and 30 hours of recording is disproportionately high. To make TiVo more attractive, more brands need to be created perhaps to keep competitors at bay even when partnering with

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Context of professional practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Context of professional practice - Essay Example Hence, as a clinician, I usually ensure that I am up to date with advancing improvised legislation subject to all laws and guidelines laid down by my professional body. In UK, certain principles have been enshrined in good medical practices that ensure every health worker must follow regarding patient treatment. Notably, these legal principles bound me to numerous principles of care for my patients. Personally, I consider treating patients as a significant practice; nonetheless, I usually relate all the requirements as suggested by the General Medical Council in the UK. For instance, dignity and total respect for patients are my greatest importance in offering medical services. Clinicians are expected to provide care that meets the individual’s expectations despite that it very difficult when face with the need to make efficient use of the available resources. Therefore, it is upon me to put into consideration the public interests and practice within the specified legal bounda ries. According to the UK specifications, all treatments and care should take into account the individual needs and preferences of the patient. Moreover, patients are entitled to the best possible care irrespective of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. Thus, as medical practitioner it is my responsibility to provide total support for the patient regardless of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. On the other hand, as part of offering the best to our patients, there should be efforts in maintaining a good standard of clinical practice. Notably, medicine is changing rapidly. For this reason, we cannot maintain the good standards of clinical practice unless we keep our knowledge and skills updated. This has been made a fundamental requirement and is no longer an extra. In ensuring the best clinical practice, we must have an individual development plan. Therefore, we should allocate sufficient time to offer medical se rvices to patients in a strategized manner. Good clinical practice entails being conscientious and ensuring that enough time is devoted to providing safe and effective support and care (Hendrick et al., 2013; Pg. 25). Therefore, as an individual within the practice, I usually read medical book regarding my practice and all the entailed requirements. Confidentiality is also a vital element in offering medical services to patients both in the hospital and at home. This element is protected in the Hippocratic Oath. The legislation that governs the process of private information is contained in the data protection act. The act requires medical practitioners to respect and keep in secret all personal information regarding the patient. Moreover, the act requires that information concerning the patient’s sickness should only be disclosed upon the patient’s permission. All clinicians are subject to the confidentiality legislation. Notably, breach of confidentiality may have st rict consequences for the clinician/patient relationship as well as the clinician’s reputation. However, in some occasions, one’s obligations to the people’s safety and public good override the confidentiality duty to the patient. Nonetheless, as a clinician I may be forced to disclose patient’s information in case of a serious crime; however, I am obligated to keep such information confidential. Other occasions where the confidentiali

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Interpretation of Laws in the United Kingdom Essay

Interpretation of Laws in the United Kingdom - Essay Example This paper declares that the literal rule demands that the judiciary should use the ordinary meaning of a statute by merely reading the text irrespective of the outcomes. The rule is based on the assumption that the objective of Parliament is well captured in the plain and natural sense of the choice of words is uses in drafting a statute. As the report stresses the case of Fisher v Bell magnifies the superiority of the literal rule. The court’s decision was inspired by the literal meaning of The Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959, which outlawed the offering for sale of select offensive weapons such as flick knives. James Bell created a display of such unlawful weapons in his shop, prompting his arrest and charges. In its decision, the Divisional Court absolved him of any offense as per the literal meaning of the statute, arguing that the mere display of the knives by the defendant did not amount to an offer for sale. The plain meaning of the contract law stipulates that displaying something at a point of sale should not be misconstrued to mean an offer for sale; rather it is just a mere invitation of potential customers to learn more about the item and tender their offers. The literal rule has merits and demerits. It limits litigations, promotes clear drafting of legislations and enhances easier interpr etation of laws by laymen provided they can understand the language used. Nonetheless, the literal rule may lead to interpretation of legislations out of context and narrowing of the parameters of a law. The golden rule Greeawalt (2012) has pointed out that the golden rule requires judicial members to give life to the literal rule so as to achieve a better interpretation of the law. The rule states that in the event that the literal rule fails to yield a proper meaning of a law, it is rational to explore another sense in the words. Lord Wensleydale in the case of Grey v Pearson (1857) HL Cas 61 is credited with creating a precedent when he stated that the literal meaning of an Act should be read and construed as it is, but if by doing so, a judicial officer would face an absurdity, then the person should modify the literal value of the text (Wagner, Werner, and Cao, 2007). The golden rule was invoked in the case of Adler v George (1964) to prevent an absurdity in court. The Official Secrets Act 1920 Â § 3, outlaws any distraction to the HM Forces around a forbidden base. Frank Adler’s violated the law and was charged with causing distraction to the officers. In his defence, Adler argued that he was actually inside a prohibited place and not in its vicinity.